Emissions Solutions for On-Highway Vehicles
Many localities are now enforcing Idle Reduction Policies for on-highway vehicles such as buses and heavy-duty trucks. We install Auxiliary Power Units (APUs), to eliminate the need for unnecessary idling, which will also lower fuel consumption and help to comply with idle reduction policies. In addition, buses retrofitted with Exhaust After-treatments and Closed Crankcase Ventilation Systems (CCVs) reduce emissions even more.
Emissions Solutions for Off-Road Machines
We offer emissions retrofits for mobile off-road machines in four categories: Engine Repowers (including Tier 3 Emissions Repowers), Engine Upgrade Groups, Oxidation Catalysts, and Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF). The type of solution appropriate for a specific application depends on the configuration of the machine’s exhaust system and specific emissions targeted by application emissions regulations.
Emissions Solutions for Stationary Equipment
Emissions retrofits for your stationary equipment are tailored for diesel and gas engines. Solutions can also be customized for many non-Cat engine applications. We offer three primary types of after-treatment retrofits – Oxidation Catalysts, Selective-Catalytic Reduction, and Diesel Particulate Filters.
North Carolina Emissions Compliance
We keep a close eye on all the emissions regulations in North Carolina. We have recently updated all our machines to meet the Clean Air Act updates regarding on-road, off-road, stationary, and portable diesel equipment.